For Registration Form – Click Here
For Registration Form – Click Here
"Opps, sorry. Our classes will be starting again soon. You should visit our website again. Our Adult and Children's classes run Spring, Fall and Winter with workshops in the Summer".
Members Small Works Sale & Annual Exhibit
Deadline to pre-register online for either exhibition by Nov. 10. No hand-written option available.
Art Drop off: Nov. 11 & 12, 1-4 PM
Exhibits Date: Nov. 16 - Dec. 31
Art Pick-up: Jan. 6 & 7, 1-4 PM
As a QAA member and exhibiting artist in the QArts Gallery, you will be asked to sign up to volunteer as a gallery sitter. When you drop off your artwork. Please check your calendar in advance and one of QAA’s volunteers will assist you, or you can easily sign up here. A minimum of 3-5 hours a month is requested.
The Quincy Art Association and the QArts Gallery is held harmless in the event of loss. It is further acknowledged that any exhibiting artist may or may not choose to provide insurance coverage applicable to the exhibiting of registered works. By submitting your registration, you accept the terms within.
Members Small Works Sale
Dimensions limited to total of 200 square inches, not including the frame.
Maximum of 3 works.
Priced up to $250.00
Members Annual Exhibit
All media accepted. Sculpture stands provided while supply lasts.
Maximum of 3 works.
Dimensions limited to 48” in either direction. Plexiglass required over 36”.